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Most Advanced AI

Generate Code at the speed of Thought

Improve Productivity of Developers

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AI GenCode: Generate Code at the speed of the thought

Generate code from plain English in multiple programming languages. Currently, we support Python, JavaScript, Java, C, C++, C#, PHP, HTML, Go, Perl, Ruby, Typescript, Haskell, Kotlin, Scala, Swift, and Dart languages. Register to get free access for 7 days.

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Apart from generating code, it can explain the code in English. It can also generate SQL, data analytics code, and shell commands.

(1) Code in English: Generate Code from English Description.

(2) Natural Language Interface for Data Analytics

(3) English Description to SQL

(4) Explain Code in plain English.

(5) Generate Shell Command from English Description

AI Scholar

AI Scholar helps school and college students, working professionals and candidates appearing for competitive examinations. It provides answers to any question. It can generate stories, poems, questions and answers, and prepare notes to study on any topic. For students, it is a wonderful tool to improve knowledge and grades. If you are appearing in a competitive examination, improve your chances of selection by using Scholar. If you are a working professional, use Scholar to improve your efficiency and shine in your career. Register to get free access for 7 days.

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AI Writing Assistant

Are you looking for an easy way to generate professional blogs, quick blogs, advertisements and emails? If so, then Writing Assistant is the perfect writing tool for you! Writing Assistant can help you quickly and easily create high-quality content that will help your business succeed. With Writing Assistant, you can easily create professional blogs, quick blogs, advertisements and emails. Writing Assistant is easy to use and can help you create content that is both effective and engaging. So why wait? Register today and start generating professional content in a fraction of the time. Register to get free access for 7 days.

No credit card required *

Patodia Infotech Private Limited (fastdevai.com) has no responsibility for any text or code generated or for any action taken by you based on the contents provided by this web site. The use of this web site is solely at the user's risk. All the services are provided with the understanding that Patodia Infotech Private Limited or any other person or company associated with this company or website are not responsible for any loss or damage occurring to anybody from any code or contents generated by this website. Please note that text, codes and contents are generated by AI. These are state-of-the-art AI solutions. However, these are AI tools so there is no guarantee of accuracy of any code or contents generated.

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